The Big Band Chart Writes Itself
In a conversation the with my mom the other day, she commented about how I seem to be very good about starting assignments and not procrastinating. Apparently in college, she refered to herself as "Last Minute Linda". Then she thought for a second, and went on to ask, "But with these projects like writing a big band chart, don't you have to wait for a time when you really feel good and mentally clear to get anything done?" My response was "I don't know, it's not like I work on it every day, but every time I sit down ideas magically float to my head, kind of like a fist."
Sure I have moments where I say "what section should I have play this line?" or "Is this idea maintaining continuity with the style I want, or am I going off on a tangent?" or "is this section to short or too long?" So when I have those moments I get up and do something else. Usually by the time I come back I have some sort of solution in mind.
So writing a completely original chart is not a laborious, painstaking process for me right now. My pencil seems to magically vomit graphite onto my manuscript paper. I never find myself spending time staring at a blank score.
The ego boost of having my chart played at a concert is probably really helping. I know my musical ideas are valid, I don't feel the need to second guess myself all the time right now.
Don't you love that I'm so inspired by writing music I was inspired to write in my blog?