Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So, this quarter I am taking a once-a-week night class called "Issues in Contemporary Society". I would much rather be taking the next German sequence, or maybe a literature class or picking up some Spanish, but I don't need humanities credit, I need social and ethical issues credit. Which is why I am in this class.

Most of the people in the class aren't the brightest crayons in the box, and neither is the teacher, if you ask me. For starters, I don't put too much faith in someone who mispells "AIDS" or "sociology". Secondly, this teacher is supposed to facilitate discussions of modern issues, and help people think critically based on facts, but I feel he has a clear agenda: invalidate the opinions of the dumb white college girl.

Now I hate to make this an issue, but he made it an issue, not me. Tonight in class he seperated us into four groups: black women, white women, black men and white men. The indians, asians and pacific islanders in the class were lumped into the "black men" group. Then he gave us an issue to talk about: "should the legal drinking age be raised to 25?" First of all, this is kind of a dumb subject. A good teacher would have remained unbiased and listened to all opinions, but he had an obvious agenda: nothing good comes from alcohol, and you shouldn't have it anyway, so why not?

All of the working moms over the age of 30, along with all the men were allowed to speak without rebuttal from this teacher (don't get me wrong, props to all the nontraditional students out to better themselves!). But when I pointed out the fact that making something illegal, unavailable and taboo creates alternative markets like drug rings and gangs (further perpetuating the violence and social problems he was complaining about), he compared me to a woman who said her fourteen year old daughter was going to have sex anyway, so she taught her daughter about it and gave her condoms (saying this while angrily pointing his finger at me). He said that I wanted to eliminate problems by accomodating youth's wants and whims. Well first of all, don't they give out condoms in high school sex ed? And secondly, I'm rather offended that he attacked my opinion, which is based on reading the newspaper and listening to NPR, and let other people spout off complete BS about how a 25 year old is not mature enough to go out and have a beer in America (although Germany, with a drinking age of 14, does not have a problem with binge drinking in college). He also spewed off rebuttals to the other traditional, non-black female students in the class, although none were as harsh as what he said to me.

The only saving grace for this class is that it seems that my classmates like me. When I raise my hand, a lot of the people around me are like, "oh ask her, she has something to say!" They laugh at my dry comments, and most came to my defense when the teacher so rudely attacked me.


Blogger nancy said...

grrr. The biggest problem is his interpretation of "the mother" argument. Mom should not be arguing that daughter will have sex anyway so give her condoms. Mom should be arguing that it is necessary to engage and instruct adolescents about sex and the ramifications of chosen actions. Similarly, raising the drinking age is not a solution to any problem. Will this new drinking age keep middle age people from driving drunk? what ever. I believe you have a lot to say and keep yourself informed. Keep talking in class your view is important

12:10 PM  

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